Article archive

5 Heart-Healthy Foods Build these five heart-healthy foods into your daily diet for great taste - and better health

11/25/2012 21:26
Blueberries Blueberries top the list as one of the most powerful disease-fighting foods. That's because they contain anthocyanins, the antioxidant responsible for their dark blue color. These delicious jewels are packed with fiber, vitamin C, and are available all year long. Boost heart health...

Best Time to Eat

11/19/2012 09:35
Choosing the best time to eat meals has many benefits. One of them is more energy. Skipping meals or eating meals on a random schedule can drain your body of energy. The meal schedule below is for people who have day schedules. Depending on your schedule, the hours may vary. For best results, eat...

6 Effective Ways to Fight Late Night Cravings

11/17/2012 19:59
Late night cravings can ruin your diet, and those extra calories are hard to burn off. These tips can help you fight late night cravings as you use FitDay to monitor your weight loss progress by tracking your calorie consumption and the nutritional content of your meals. 1. Eat Lots of...

Health News Egg Yolks Almost as Bad for Arteries as Smoking: Study

11/17/2012 08:19
    Whether boiled, scrambled or sunny-side up, cholesterol-rich egg yolks can stiffen your arteries almost as much as smoking, a new study suggests. "People at risk of vascular disease should not eat egg yolks," contends study lead author Dr. David Spence, professor of...

Healthy Eating for a Healthy weight

11/13/2012 21:21
A healthy lifestyle involves many choices. Among them, choosing a balanced diet or healthy eating plan. So how do you choose a healthy eating plan? Let's begin by defining what a healthy eating plan is. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, a healthy eating...

Sodium: How to tame your salt habit now Sodium: Be a savvy shopper

11/12/2012 13:22
You've been trying to eat less sodium — just a pinch of table salt on your baked potato and a dash on your scrambled eggs. But a pinch here and a dash there can quickly add up to unhealthy levels of sodium. Consider that just one teaspoon of table salt has 2,325 milligrams (mg) of sodium. And...

Clear Yeast Infection Naturally

11/03/2012 19:15
The Cleanse As we mentioned earlier, there are many different ways to do a cleanse. Here we have listed two tried-and-tested protocols that we have followed successfully in the past. The cleanse that you choose will depend largely on what you can fit around your daily routine. If you have kids...

Foods to Make Skin Tight

10/30/2012 20:11
Photo Credit lemons image by Maria Brzostowska from Skin becomes loose and saggy as you age, causing you to feel old and unattractive. Although you can have your skin tightened with procedures at a dermatologist's or plastic surgeon's office, these approaches are often invasive...

Our Toxic Food Environment

10/30/2012 06:53
We live in a poisonous food environment, meaning that that we're surrounded by high-fat, high-calorie foods that taste good, are easy to find and are relatively cheap. At the same time, our environment does not promote exercise and physical activity. The combination can be toxic to our...

Can You Eat to Beat Psoriasis? If you itch why stratch lol eat healthy

10/29/2012 13:39
A balanced diet is crucial for overall health. But do certain foods also have specific benefits for managing psoriasis? Many people with the disease believe so. However, research has yielded mixed results. Here’s what’s known about diet and psoriasis—and what’s not. Catch the benefits of...
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